Las plantillas de correo electrónico de guest blogging son una herramienta eficaz para impulsar el SEO, el tráfico web y la visibilidad de marca. LiveAgent ofrece 10 plantillas personalizables para destacar en bandejas de entrada saturadas y aumentar la aceptación de tus publicaciones como blogger invitado.
Los blogs de invitados pueden ser una táctica de marketing de contenidos muy eficaz tanto para las empresas B2B como para las B2C. Si se hacen bien, los artículos de invitados pueden ayudarte a crear una mejor conciencia de marca, aumentar las clasificaciones SEO y atraer mucho tráfico dirigido a tu sitio web. De hecho, una empresa emergente fue capaz de aumentar su tráfico mensual de 0 a 5 dígitos en menos de un año utilizando una estrategia de marketing con blogs invitados.
Sin embargo, lograr que tus publicaciones de invitados sean aceptadas por otros blogs puede ser un desafío si tienes dificultades para escribir un correo electrónico que pueda destacar en una bandeja de entrada abarrotada. A continuación se muestran líneas de asunto probadas y verdaderas y plantillas de correo electrónico de blogs para tus campañas de publicidad de guest blogging.
El guest blogging (o guest posting) es una táctica de marketing de contenidos que consiste en escribir y publicar artículos en sitios web o blogs de terceros. El guest blogging generalmente proporciona beneficios mutuos a los editores que acogen el contenido invitado (ya que ayuda a atraer a su audiencia) y a los blogueros invitados, que obtienen una plataforma adicional para promocionar su marca. Normalmente, los blogueros invitados escriben contenidos para sitios web y blogs similares relacionados con su sector con el fin de:
This is [Your name] from [Company name], and I’m dropping you a line to see if you’re accepting new guest bloggers. I write about [topics] and thought an article about [relevant topic] would be a good fit for your blog.
Here are some examples of my latest guest posts:
[Blog post link 1]
[Blog post link 2]
[Blog post link 3]
The post will be 100% original, written just for your blog, and will not be posted elsewhere. I would appreciate an author bio with a live link back to my site. If you’re interested in this cooperation, please get back to me.
[Your name] here from [Company name]. I’m reaching out to check if you are accepting content from guest contributors on [Blog name].
We are trying to establish ourselves as a helpful, trustworthy brand, and we think the best way to do that is through quality content. We’ve already been featured in some respectable publications like [Example 1], [Example 2] and [Example 3], just to name a few.
If you do publish content from guest authors, I would love an opportunity to be one of them. Here are some topics that I could cover:
[Topic 1]
[Topic 2]
[Topic 3]
I don’t mind discussing additional topics if you don’t think these are a good fit for your audience.
Looking forward to your thoughts,
I’ve got a great idea for a post that I believe would do well on [Blog name]. Are you looking for more contributors to write for your blog right now? If so, I’d love to send some original content your way.
I’m already writing regularly for [Blog name 1], [Blog name 2], and [Blog name 3]. Here are a few of my latest posts:
[Blog post link 1]
[Blog post link 2]
[Blog post link 3]
Let me know if you are interested – and I’ll send you some topic ideas.
[Your name] here from [Company name]. I’m a huge fan of [Blog name], and I’ve really been enjoying your writing. In fact, I accomplished [whatever you accomplished] from reading your blog post: [link to their blog post].
I know you’re busy, so I’ll be quick. I’m reaching out because I had some ideas I think the [Blog name] audience would love, and I was wondering if you’d be open to a guest post. Here are the topics I could write about:
[Topic 1]
[Topic 2]
[Topic 3]
To give you an idea of my writing style, here are some of my recent posts:
[Blog post link 1]
[Blog post link 2]
Thanks for your time and consideration! I can’t wait to hear back from you.
My name is [Your name]. I know you probably receive tons of emails every day, so I’ll keep it short.
I see that you publish some really great content about the topics like [topic 1] and [topic 2]. I am writing a well-researched, data-driven, and in-depth blog post on [topic] which might be a great addition to your blog.
Here are a few samples of my recently contributed guest posts to other blogs:
[Blog post link 1]
[Blog post link 2]
[Blog post link 3]
Do you mind if I send you the draft so you can see if it’s a good fit for [Blog name]?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
My name is [Your name], and I’m the content creator at [Company name].
I noticed you have amazing contributors on [Blog name], and I was wondering if you still accept guest bloggers.
It’s great that you only work with unique and valuable contributions. In fact, I am ready to keep up that standard. To give you an idea of the quality I can bring to the table, check some of the posts that I have written for other blogs:
[Blog post link 1]
[Blog post link 2]
[Blog post link 3]
If I look like someone you can accept as a contributor, I’d love to write a post on any of the following topics that I believe could be a perfect fit for your blog:
[Topic 1]
[Topic 2]
[Topic 3]
Whichever topic you choose, I’ll be happy to write well-researched content, supported with facts, stats, and screenshots.
Let me know what you think. I’m excited to hear back from you!
I was researching about [topic] this afternoon and stumbled upon [Blog name] – a great collection of high-quality articles.
I am reaching out to you because I’d love to contribute a guest post to your blog. Below are the topics on which I can write a well-researched post:
[Topic 1]
[Topic 2]
[Topic 3]
I promise to fill the piece with solid points and actionable tips. I contribute regularly to blogs like [blog 1], [blog 2], [blog 3] and many more.
So, which of the above topics do you think I can write about? Let me know and I’ll be sending you the draft as soon as possible.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
I’m [Your name], and I write at [Your blog]. I’m also a regular contributor at [blog 1], [blog 2] and [blog 3].
I’ve been following [Blog name] for quite some time now, and I have even mentioned your article about [article topic] on this piece I’ve written [link to your post that links to them] a while back.
Anyway, I’m writing to you because I’d love to contribute to your blog if you’re still open to new guest authors. I’ve been brainstorming some topics that I think your readers would get a ton of value from:
[Topic 1]
[Topic 2]
[Topic 3]
If you want me to write about an entirely different topic, I will be glad to do so as well.
I appreciate your time and really look forward to working together.
I’ve been an avid reader of [Blog name] for some time now, and I enjoy reading your blog on a regular basis.
Recently I’ve been researching an idea for a blog post about [topic] – and then I thought that this could be a great contribution for your audience. I’ll make sure the piece overflows with information that can’t be found anywhere else.
What do you think? Should I write it up and send you a draft?
For a glimpse of my writing style, check out some of the guest posts I’ve written for other blogs:
[Blog post link 1]
[Blog post link 2]
[Blog post link 3]
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
My name is [Your name}, and I blog at [Your blog name]. I’m a regular reader of your blog since your content is mostly related to mine.
I don’t know if you like the idea of blog collaboration. Our blogs share the same interests and audience, and I believe we could make the best of that opportunity.
Does the idea of guest posting sound good to you? If so, I’d love to contribute a piece to your blog, and I will also be glad to see you contribute to my blog anytime.
Let me know if that is something you might be interested in. Either way, keep up the excellent content, [Blogger’s name].
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Para gestionar un guest blogging, debes tener las Pautas para guest blogging, la lista de sitios de blogs y la lista de blogueros. Debse incluir una breve biografía del bloguero invitado, enlaces a su blog y cuentas de redes sociales, y el nombre de la publicación del blog.
Un blogger invitado es un escritor que escribe una publicación en tu sitio web o blog. Puedes pagarle a un bloguero invitado de acuerdo con la cantidad de tiempo que dedicó a escribir o investigar para tu blog.
Un blog invitado es un blog escrito por alguien que no está afiliado a una organización. A menudo se utiliza como una forma de atraer a una audiencia más amplia.
Plantillas de Correo Electrónico del Portal del Cliente
Descubre plantillas de correo electrónico para el portal de clientes de LiveAgent que facilitan el autoservicio. Ahorra tiempo con plantillas de verificación, bienvenida, comentarios y más, optimizando la experiencia del cliente sin comisiones. ¡Visítanos y mejora tu servicio hoy!
Plantillas de Servicio al Cliente
Descubre cómo las plantillas de servicio al cliente de LiveAgent pueden transformar la eficiencia y calidad de tus respuestas por correo electrónico. Mejora el engagement y las ventas con plantillas gratuitas para notificaciones, devoluciones y más, asegurando respuestas rápidas y profesionales. Ideal para empresas que manejan grandes volúmenes de correos, estas herramientas son clave para un servicio al cliente excepcional. ¡Explora ahora y eleva tu atención al cliente al siguiente nivel!
Plantillas de correo electrónico informativo
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Plantillas de Correo Electrónico de Bienvenida
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